Understanding Hormone Replacement Therapy, And Why Menopausal Women Should Consider Bio-Identical Hormones

Health & Medical Blog

When menopause strikes, women often feel helpless and confused, especially considering that media and the scientific community present conflicting opinions about treatment options. Hormone replacement therapy can effectively treat the symptoms of menopause, but unfortunately, this treatment has received a bad rap. Bio-identical hormones provide a great option for menopausal women; these hormones not only treat the symptoms of menopause, but also mirror a woman's female hormone structure more closely than synthetic varieties.

18 December 2014

Non-Surgical Treatment Options For Flat Feet In Children

Health & Medical Blog

Babies are often born with flat feet. According to the Children's Health Network, the arch of the foot does not generally develop until after 3 years of age. If your child's flat feet are not causing any pain or stiffness, treatment may not be necessary. When symptoms do occur, your child's podiatrist may recommend some non-surgical treatments to reduce or resolve the symptoms. Here's a look at the most common non-surgical treatment options.

7 November 2014

3 Tips For Keeping Your Eyes Healthy While Wearing Contacts

Health & Medical Blog

Many people spend a great deal of time and money caring for their teeth, their skin, and other health needs. But how many people take the time to care for one of their most important organs, the eyes. If you wear contacts you might not recognize how dangerous they can be to your eyes if you are not wearing them correctly. Here are a couple things that you should do to properly care for your contacts.

6 November 2014

7 Often Unknown Services Community Health Care Centers Offer

Health & Medical Blog

Community health centers provide physical and mental care for more than 20 million Americans, according to the Alliance for Advancing Nonprofit Health Care. Whether you need a general checkup, are sick or some other form of care, these localized non-profits offer some services that you might not be aware of. Along with general medical services, these community healthcare providers also may offer: 1. Supportive services. Getting access to healthcare isn't always easy.

6 November 2014

3 Tips For Preventing Back Pain


You have responsibilities. You can't afford to slow down due to debilitating back pain. If you want to prevent back pain before it has a chance to become a reality, try these three tips. 1. Place an ice pack on the injury. Cold helps to quell inflammation that causes the pain and soreness. This is especially helpful during the first 24 hours after an injury. Just be sure to alternate placing the pack and removing it every ten minutes to give your back a break from the cold.

5 November 2014

4 Things To Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

Health & Medical Blog

Perhaps years ago you got a tattoo, and for awhile it was the best thing ever, but now you realize that you're not the same person, and you'd like to have the tattoo removed. The most effective way to do that is to undergo laser treatment for tattoo removal. This process uses directed laser light to gradually fade your tattoos over a period of time. To help you decide if this is right for you, here are some important things to know about the procedure.

5 November 2014

How A Grin Lift Can Turn A Permanent Frown Into A Smile


A person's smile is an important social tool. A smile portrays confidence, likability, and friendliness, and people who smile are often perceived as more attractive than those who do not smile. Unfortunately, some people have an "angry" resting face, and their default facial expression is a frown. A person with a permanent frown can now turn it "upside down" with a cosmetic surgery procedure called the "grin lift." What is a Grin Lift?

5 November 2014

Tips For A New Personal Senior Caregiver: Ideas For Success

Health & Medical Blog

Now that you have been hired as a personal caregiver for a senior citizen, you may wonder what you have gotten yourself into. After all, you have never been fully responsible for another person's health and well-being. However, you cannot allow your anxieties and uncertainty prevent you from learning how to perform your new job duties to the best of your abilities. Success in your new job will require a combination of technical and interpersonal skills.

5 November 2014

How Rapid Prototyping Changes The World Of Medicine

Health & Medical Blog

Rapid prototyping, a process that creates three-dimensional physical models, is similar to the production of two-dimensional models by a printer. Rapid prototyping is very beneficial in many industries, including engineering, manufacturing, machine tooling and medicine. This article will discuss various medical applications of rapid prototyping. Rapid prototyping is used in the medical world to fabricate teaching aids and customized implants for surgical teams. Modern technology allows researchers to use computer tomography scans to create prototypes of a patient's bones, tendons, and other body parts.

5 November 2014

Alternative Treatments For Your Headaches

Health & Medical Blog

If you experience frequent headaches, a visit to your doctor to get evaluated for a medical cause is the first step. If no medical conditions can be found, such as a blood vessel problem or tumor, you may be diagnosed as having a nonspecific headache. This can be due to stress or tension on your back and neck muscles. If this is the case, consider some of these alternative ways of reducing your headache pain without reaching for the over-the-counter pain pills.

5 November 2014