
Six Mistakes To Avoid To Make Your Child's Immunizations More Comfortable

Health & Medical Blog

Although children might not enjoy undergoing vaccination, it's important to realize as a parent that child vaccinations are essential for ensuring the continued health of your child. Fortunately, you can make vaccinations more comfortable for your child by avoiding mistakes that can make vaccines scary or uncomfortable for kids. The following are six mistakes to avoid to make your child's immunizations more comfortable: Being uninformed yourself going into things If you are thoroughly informed and you can answer all your child's questions in detail, your child will have more confidence going into things.

2 August 2019

Non-Invasive Treatments For Osteoarthritis

Health & Medical Blog

Osteoarthritis can be a disabling disease, which causes pain, inflammation, limited mobility, and a diminished range of motion of a joint. While an invasive procedure may be in your future, your orthopaedic surgeon may recommend non-invasive, conservative treatments to treat your arthritis, saving surgery as a last resort. Surgery, however, may be the only permanent solution to your pain and swelling. Here are some non-invasive treatments for osteoarthritis, and why your surgeon may recommend them:

27 June 2019

Tips To Help Your Kid Avoid School Absences Next School Year

Health & Medical Blog

How many days of school did your kids miss this year? Unfortunately, many kids miss a lot of school because they get sick, or to go to doctor and dentist appointments. Here, you'll find a few tips that'll help to prepare your family for the next school year. With some changes and planning, you may be able to reduce the number of days your kids miss from school. Use Summer's Freedom

22 May 2019

The Symptoms Of BPH And Signs Of Complications

Health & Medical Blog

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is commonly called an enlarged prostate. The prostate continues to grow throughout a man's life, so this is a common condition in older men. It doesn't cause prostate cancer, but it can occur along with cancer. The symptoms you might have can be mild or severe, but even if they're mild, you should discuss them with your doctor. BPH causes symptoms in two main ways. Since the prostate grows larger, it presses against the urinary tract and causes an obstruction that interferes with normal urine flow.

22 April 2019

Cranial Nerve Problems Associated With Dental Infections

Health & Medical Blog

If you develop an infected tooth, you might experience a throbbing toothache, swollen gums, sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods and beverages, and in some cases, chills, fever, and body aches. While these are some of the most common symptoms of dental infections, you may experience those associated with your cranial nerves. Here are some cranial nerve problems that may be associated with a severely infected tooth, or dental abscess, and why you may need to see a brain specialist:

6 March 2019

3 Ways To Treat Gingivitis

Health & Medical Blog

Gum disease, also called gingivitis, involves the inflammation of your gums, and in the more severe and advanced cases, it also involves your gums pulling away from your teeth and pockets of bacteria developing in the area around the bottom of your teeth. If you think that you have gingivitis, you should see your dentist as soon as possible and do what you can to start treating it. There are a number of things that you can do to help treat your gum disease.

15 January 2019

Reducing The Appearance Of Fine Lines And Wrinkles: Three Things To Know When Considering Botox

Health & Medical Blog

Botox can be a great option for giving yourself a more youthful appearance, but it's important to know some of the basics before you make a decision. Discuss Botox, along with any other available options, with a plastic surgeon such as those with Mansfield Plastic Surgery LLC. Together, you can choose the right option to meet your needs. If you are considering Botox, here are a few things to know.

11 December 2018

Help Your Child Get Into The Military With Glaucoma Treatments

Health & Medical Blog

Your child has dreamed of joining the military from a young age and plans on using their career as a way to finance their college education. Unfortunately, they have developed early symptoms of glaucoma due to a childhood accident. Seeking ophthalmology services right away is critical for ensuring that they get into the military. Why Injuries To The Eyes May Trigger Glaucoma Glaucoma typically develops in people as they age and occurs when a channel in the eye gets blocked and allows liquid to back up in the eye.

27 October 2018

Treating Allergies As A Way Of Treating Your Asthma

Health & Medical Blog

Different things can trigger asthma symptoms and cause you to wheeze, cough, and feel short of breath. One common trigger is allergens. If this is the case for you, then treating your allergies might lead to a reduction in your asthma attacks. Here are some ways to treat and manage your allergies that might help your asthma. Inhaled Medications Inhaled medications can help prevent asthma attacks and they can help reduce wheezing when an attack is underway.

9 August 2018

4 Advantages Of Visiting A Family Practice

Health & Medical Blog

The key to having the health you want to have for the rest of your life will largely depend on how well you take care of it. It's essential to do the right things, such as exercise and eat right to help you enjoy good health. However, it's critical to have the proper medical tests and routine physicals to ensure your health is good. You can do this and some other things by visiting a family practice and knowing some of the benefits of doing so may be the motivation you need to go.

23 June 2018