3 Ways To Treat Gingivitis

Health & Medical Blog

Gum disease, also called gingivitis, involves the inflammation of your gums, and in the more severe and advanced cases, it also involves your gums pulling away from your teeth and pockets of bacteria developing in the area around the bottom of your teeth. If you think that you have gingivitis, you should see your dentist as soon as possible and do what you can to start treating it. There are a number of things that you can do to help treat your gum disease. 

Electric Toothbrush

One thing that you can do is to change your toothbrush. You want to know that you are doing the best that you can to get your teeth clean, and an electric toothbrush can help you with that. When you buy your new toothbrush, look for one that has soft bristles and make sure that you are getting down around the gums as well. Even though you are getting an electric toothbrush that will clean your teeth more efficiently, that doesn't mean that you can skimp on the time you spend brushing your teeth. You should still plan on spending a couple of minutes brushing so that you can be sure you are getting all the surfaces of your teeth nice and clean. 

Medicated Mouthwash

Another treatment for gingivitis is medicated mouthwash. This would be something that you would get as a prescription from your dentist. You would use the mouthwash every time after you brush your teeth. The medication in the mouthwash will help to kill off bacteria which could further inflame your gums or make the gingivitis worse. Your dentist may have you use this for only a certain amount of time, or they may want you to use this from then on. If you only use it until you run out, there are OTC mouthwashes that can help with gingivitis as well. 


Your dentist may also prescribe you antibiotics to help fight off the bacteria that surrounds gingivitis. This is especially true if you are going to have some surgery done on your gums to try and deal with the receding gums. Your dentist is going to want to get rid of as much bacteria as possible before your surgery, and you may stay on antibiotics for a few days after the surgery as well. 

There isn't really any cure for gingivitis, but there are treatments that can help to alleviate the problem  Contact a local clinic like Fuller Periodontics & Implant Dentistry to learn more about your treatment options. 


15 January 2019

Cancer Treatment Questions: Understanding The Differences in Options

After watching my mother navigate treatment for breast cancer in my early teens, I knew pretty much what to expect from my dad's diagnosis with prostate cancer. What I didn't know was how different chemotherapy and radiation can affect different people. My mother became very ill while my dad seemed to weather the treatments with few ill effects. I spent a long time researching the differences in treatments, types of chemotherapy, and how each one can react differently with the body. I created this blog to help others understand the same things, because I knew I couldn't be the only one unfamiliar with it. I hope it helps you if someone you love is facing treatment for any type of cancer.