3 Things You Need To Know About Acquired Palmoplantar Keratoderma

Health & Medical Blog

Acquired palmoplantar keratoderma, also called acquired PPK, is a group of skin disorders characterized by thickened skin on the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. Here are three things you need to know about acquired palmoplantar keratoderma. What are the signs of acquired palmoplantar keratoderma? If you develop acquired palmoplantar keratoderma, you'll notice that the skin on the palms of your hands, soles of your feet, or both is thickened.

29 February 2016

Down Syndrome And Periodontal Disease: 3 Things Parents Need To Know

Health & Medical Blog

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that is characterized by developmental delays and intellectual disability. This disorder can cause a lot of health complications for your child, including oral health problems. Periodontal disease is the most serious oral health problem affecting people with Down syndrome; here are three things parents need to know. What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease means gum disease. It occurs when plaque—a bacterial film—builds up on your child's teeth.

9 February 2016

Top 5 Easy Weight Loss Tips

Health & Medical Blog

Are you having trouble sticking to your New Year's resolution? Do you have extra pounds you want to lose? The best way to start is to get some weight loss advice. Here are five tips on weight loss: 1. Think small When you have a big plate your tendency is to fill it up. Think small. Instead of using dinner plates, use salad plates. This is an easy way to cut your portion sizes without even thinking about it.

5 February 2016

3 Signs Of An Unhealthy Menstrual Cycle And What They Mean

Health & Medical Blog

Due to the varying levels of normalcy found within the female population, it can be difficult to determine whether your menstrual cycles are unhealthy. Below are three common signs of unhealthy menstrual cycles and clear guidelines to help you determine whether your cycles are within the realm of normal or something to be checked out by your gynecologist. 1. Your Flow is Abnormally Heavy What does a heavy flow look like and how can you possibly know if your flow is within normal limits or not?

21 January 2016

Clean Eating Guidelines To Make Life Easier

Health & Medical Blog

Clean eating is a way of life that focuses on healthy and unprocessed foods. The idea is that anything that comes in a bag, box, can, or package is generally considered highly processed and should be avoided. Clean eating is a newer term, but it's not a newer concept. However, it has transformed over the years, like all diets, and it can be hard to determine what guidelines to stick to and which ones to ignore.

12 January 2016

Choosing A Cane That Meets Your Needs

Health & Medical Blog

If you could get by better with the use of a cane then you want to make sure you get the right one. You can't just use any cane or you won't get the full benefit that they can offer. The right cane will be one that's the correct height, helps you to keep your balance and offers you a handle that fits comfortably in your hand. Some canes even have other features that can help you to get more comfort and security out of them.

5 January 2016