How To Care For Your Back When You Work In An Office

Health & Medical Blog

Working in an office means spending much of your day sitting. You may be returning emails, writing reports and doing research and none of that is conducive to having a strong, healthy back. It is possible that you will experience back pain at some point, and potentially be at risk for contracting an illness such as heart disease simply because you sit at work. You can care for your back and keep it strong when you work in an office and here are just a couple of ways to do that.

4 August 2017

Advantages Of Visiting A Physical Therapist Instead Of A Doctor

Health & Medical Blog

For a long list of medical issues, seeing your family doctor or a physician in an urgent care environment is your best approach. However, if you're dealing with some physical health issues, a physical therapist can be better suited to treat you. In many cases, doctors will refer their patients for physical therapy, but if you have a good idea of what issue you're experiencing, you can skip this step and go right to scheduling an appointment at your local physical therapy clinic.

20 July 2017

Medical Equipment You May Need When Recovering From Hip Replacement Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

If you plan to recover at home from hip replacement surgery, then you'll want to have all the equipment in place that you'll need before you come home from the hospital. Your insurance coverage will pay for some items, and others you may need to pay for yourself, especially the things you want for the sake of convenience. You don't always have to buy medical equipment, you may be able to rent it for a month at a time since you'll need it for the short term.

28 June 2017

Spinal Compression Fractures: What To Expect After Your Diagnosis

Health & Medical Blog

A spinal compression fracture is defined as a collapse of the vertebrae in the spine. This condition tends to be more common in people who suffer from osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle due to tissue loss. While severe spinal compression fractures may end up needing surgical treatment, many doctors tend to take a more conservative approach initially because many spinal compression fractures can heal on their own within a few months.

9 March 2017

Learn CPR

Health & Medical Blog

One of the leading causes of death in the United States is cardiac arrest. In the even of an emergency every single second and especially minute counts. When cardiac arrest occurs the brains starts to suffer terrible damage within about 5 minutes. Each minute after the chances of surviving decreases ten percent. There are 300,000 deaths each year from cardiac arrest. It is estimated that this number would drop significantly if the surrounding witnesses new how to perform CPR.

23 February 2017

When to Call the Dermatologist About a Birthmark


For the most part, birthmarks are merely a skin discoloration or a raised area you hardly ever think about. You were either born with the mark or it appeared sometime during your first year of life. You may notice that it fades or shrinks as you get older, or it may become more noticeable. All of this is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. There are times, however, when it would be best to have a dermatologist look at it or remove it.

20 January 2017

Got Back Pain? 4 Lifestyle Choices That Might Be Making Your Pain Worse

Health & Medical Blog

Back pain is the leading cause of disability. Shockingly, nearly 80 percent of people experience back pain at some point in their lives. If you're experiencing back pain caused by an injury or medical condition, you're probably already seeing a physician to address your pain. However, did you know that your lifestyle may be making your pain worse or that it may make it impossible for you to completely get rid of your symptoms?

12 January 2017