Maintain Your Health Through Preemption And Information - Signs You Need To See A Podiatrist

Health & Medical Blog

When most people think of the steps they need to take in order to maintain their overall health, they may not consider the necessity of treating their feet. However, given the important load they bear and the relatively uncomfortable conditions they're forced to endure, foot care is an absolutely vital step in ensuring you remain fully pain free and ambulatory.

Below, you'll find a guide to some signs that it's time to go to the podiatrist. Keeping these suggestions in mind will put you in a position to always stay ahead of the curve when it comes to foot care, and should help you guarantee that you avoid potential issues that may radiate out from poor foot health.

Heel Pain

If you have persistent pain in your heels, it may not simply be a case of wearing uncomfortable shoes or being on your feet too much. Extreme heel pain can be the result of a potentially hazardous condition known as gout, and could also be a sign of significant ligament or structural damage.

Seeing a podiatrist after consistent heel pain is an important step in guaranteeing that you don't damage your feet permanently or otherwise suffer from a treatable condition. Your podiatrist can quickly assess the cause of the pain and make suggestions that will greatly improve your quality of life.

Toenail Issues

Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful and, if left untreated, can cause very serious infections. While some people attempt to treat these on their own through soaks and cleaning, a podiatrist visit will help guarantee that an infection doesn't set in and spread.

Similarly, yellowing or cracking toenails are likely the result of a fungal infection that needs to be treated medically. Over the counter remedies may not correctly address the source of the problem, and you could find yourself with permanent damage to your nails that will causes persistent discomfort throughout your life.


If you notice swelling between the joints on your big toe and your foot, you may have a condition known as a bunion. This painful swelling can affect your ability to walk comfortably, and that alteration in your gait can cause cascading effects that may damage your hips and spine over time. Rather than allowing yourself to be permanently disabled by a relatively minor medical condition, you should seek treatment from your podiatrist, like those at Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC, in order to guarantee that you preemptively protect your health long term.


21 April 2015

Cancer Treatment Questions: Understanding The Differences in Options

After watching my mother navigate treatment for breast cancer in my early teens, I knew pretty much what to expect from my dad's diagnosis with prostate cancer. What I didn't know was how different chemotherapy and radiation can affect different people. My mother became very ill while my dad seemed to weather the treatments with few ill effects. I spent a long time researching the differences in treatments, types of chemotherapy, and how each one can react differently with the body. I created this blog to help others understand the same things, because I knew I couldn't be the only one unfamiliar with it. I hope it helps you if someone you love is facing treatment for any type of cancer.